Monday, November 24, 2008


Sandy is leaving. *Sigh* I know.. its hard for me to believe too. My heart continues to break thinking of my days without her. The emails I will not get that always have to have a subject line, or the funness we have talking about Twilight. Oh saddness. *tear*

So, Yep. Sandy decided that her baby needed her. Which... is a good reason to leave, I guess. Nothing I'm excited about, but it will be good for Katie. And yes, I know.. kids come first. I do understand prioirties. It still just sucks.

I'm not even looking forward to Two-Stamp-Tuesdays, because I keep thinking how soon Sandy will not being going with me. And what kind of Two-Stamp-Tuesday can it be without her? Not a good one, I'll say that!

I wanted to grieve for a moment here on the blog. Maybe it will help me cope. Since she posted such happiness on her blog, about leaving.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Engaged!

Thought I'd start writing about more things in my life. So I'll start with the fact that I'm recently engaged!! My birthday was Early this month, and my boyfriend took me out for dinner on the 1st, and proposed. It was quite magical. Of course, I was freaking out and do not remember much of the actual proposal. It seems more like a dream. I know he spoke to me, but it just seems muffled like from a dream. I knew what was happening but I kept closing my eyes cause I wasn't sure if it was real. Then I realized I needed to open them and watch, since, well... it's not everyday that I get proposed to.

I knew the day would come when he'd ask me, but I didn't think it would be that day. I want to get married in Spring of 2010, and Dan (my finace) didn't want an engagement longer than a year. I understood that. I was never one to really want a drawn out engagement. So it was much to my suprise that he wanted to get engaged for closer to a year and a half. Although, we already have a lot planned. Well, I have a lot planned. I've been thinking/planning for like 2 years. I know time will go fast. The wedding will be here before I know it. Part of me is sad by that. I want to marry him so badly, but I don't want my wedding to be over. lol. I look forward to it like a big birthday, that you never want to end. But, after we're married I know that our life together will be another great adventure. I can't wait.

On Wednesday we are meeting with the pastor we've chosen to marry us. Dan chose him because since he works at the church, he is more familiar with the multiple pastors. I'm pretty nervous. I'm not sure what the pastor will say, and what things he'll bring up. Dan and I have been really realistic about what getting married is going to mean and the different things that come with it. Having both our parents being together for 30 years, helps us realize that marriage isn't a fairytale ending. And we are both prepared for that. But still, I find myself nervous by what the pastor is going to talk about with us. I like to think I've always though things through. I'm not really one for suprises or unexpected things. I guess I'll be at ease more after the meeting on Wednesday.

We have marriage counciling classes that start in January, as well. 10 weeks!! I didn't think it was going to be that long. I guess its good. It will cover a lot of things, but I thought it was going to be like 6 weeks, at most.

I'm very excited and nervous. I'm so happy that it is all happening. I can't wait to start planning. I don't want to overwhelm myself, so I'm trying to take it slow. I keep telling myself that after we meet with the pastor, I'll start planning and figuring some things out. Then after the marriage classes, I'll be able to start planning in full swing.

Its going to be an exciting year!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Twilight is done

So, time has come, and I've finished the Twilight series. In some ways I'm sad, in others I'm ecstatic. It was a really interesting series. So much romance, love, drama, and weridness. It was grand. Glad to be done though. I've been so caught up in the books for the last few weeks, that I haven't been paying too much attention to much else. Now I can catch up on things that are happening in the world, and with the people around me. I'm sure Dan will appreciate it, now that I'll be back on Earth and not all caught up in the book. He took it well though, I have to say.

Now onto the Left Behind series. I think it will be good to put something Christian in my head again, after having all of that Vampire drama take over for so long. I'm looking forward to reading the books. I don't know if they will have the same hold on me as the Twilight books though. We shall see.