Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So much for Two-Stamp-Tuesday

Well its offical, Sandy has left. Today was not my favorite day. Today was the first Two-Stamp-Tuesday I've missed, and it was my first billing without Sandy here. Well, yesterday was technically because of a weekly billing we do. Which I screwed up. What a great way to start off, huh Sandy? lol. Well, today went a little smoother. I'll find out in a few days if it all went smoothly. Right now, so far so good.

I guess that was all I really wanted to say right now. It was a lonely, stampless Tuesday. Very saddening.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December, What?

What month are we in? How did we get here? Cloudy weather (no snow for San Diego), Christmas parties, New Years around the corner... How did we get here so fast?

Hard to believe that another year has come to an end, or almost end. December always goes by too quickly. After Thanksgiving, its a blur until New Years is over, and then you're in a new year and wonder where the holidays went. I'm not looking forward to another year being over. I'm not ready. I think this is all moving too fast, and we just need to slow down.

I can't believe that its already been a year and half since I've been out of school. I'm working on my applications to law school now. I've been so discouraged by my low score, I haven't pushed myself to get them over with. I'm trying now though. Its still not fun work, but I know I have to at least try. Otherwise I'll never know if God wants me to be there.

The company Christmas party is this weekend. I'm kind of excited. I think its fun. And, I get to show off Dan to everyone that hasn't met him. Which is pretty much, everyone.